Fruit – anything produced or accruing; product, results or effect.
Where does the Spirit of God abide? (I Corinthians. 3:16, 6:19, Romans 8:9)
What is the results – the fruit – of God’s Spirit being there? (Romans 6:22)
Do all Christians bear the same amount of fruit? (Mark 4:20, John 15:1-2)
Are we purged in order to bear more fruit? (John 15:1-2)
How? (John 15:3, Ephesians 5:25-27)
The fruit – the product, results or effect – of God’s Spirit being in us is described in Gal. 5:22-23.
Consider and define each of these results of the presence of God’s Spirit:
a) Love_________________________________________________
b) Joy__________________________________________________
c) Peace________________________________________________
d) Long suffering__________________________________________
e) Kindness______________________________________________
f) Goodness______________________________________________
g) Faithfulness____________________________________________
h) Gentleness_____________________________________________
i) Self Control____________________________________________
Is God long suffering and merciful towards us when we’re being unfruitful? (Luke 13:6-8)