Paul’s Early Life
1. Concerning Paul’s family:
a. Religion? (Acts 23:6)__________________________________________
b. Nationality? (Philippians 3:4-5)_________________________________
c. Citizenship? (Acts 22:25-28)____________________________________
d. Siblings? (Acts 23:16)_________________________________________
2. Concerning Paul’s childhood and education:
a. (Acts 22:3) Born where? _____________ Raised where? ______________
Taught by whom? _______________
3. What characterized Paul’s early career?
a. (Galatians 1:14)_____________________________________________
b. (Acts 9:1-2, 26:9-11)__________________________________________
c. (Acts 26:5)________________________________________________
4. Concerning Paul’s conversion: (Acts 9:3-18)
a. Where was it?_______________________________________________
b. What did Jesus mean by his question? (9:4)__________________________
c. What did Saul mean by his question? (9:6)___________________________
d. What do you suppose characterized the following three days? (9:9, 11,12)
5. What characterized Paul’s early Christian life?
a. (Acts 9:19-21)_______________________________________________
b. (Galatians 1:15-24)___________________________________________
c. (Acts 9:26-27)______________________________________________
d. (Acts 9:29-30, 22:17-21)_______________________________________
e. (Acts 11:25-26)______________________________________________
Paul’s First Missionary Journey
- Consider Paul’s “calling”. (Acts 26:15-18) and over 10 years later his “commission” (Acts 13:2-3)
2. What happened at the first stop on this mission trip? (Acts 13:5)
3. Who was Sergius Paulus? (Acts 13:6-12)
a. What trait did he possess?______________________________________
b. Who was Bar-Jesus to him?_____________________________________
c. What trait did he possess?______________________________________
d. What did Paul do to Bar-Jesus?__________________________________
e. How did this affect Sergius Paulus?
4. What happened at Perga? (Acts 13:13, 13:2,5)
5. What happened when Paul preached at Antioch? (Acts 13:14-16, 42-43)
a. What effect did Paul and Barabus’ success have on the Jews? (Acts 13:44-45)
b. How did this change Paul and Barnabus’ ministry? (Acts 13:46-49)
c. Do you think the revival ended there when Paul and Barnabus left? (Acts 13:50-52)
6. Why do you think they first went to the synagogues at Iconium and at other cities? (Acts 14:1)
a. Do you think it was wrong or wise to flee as Paul and Barnabus did? (Acts 14:5-6)
7. What does the extreme and changing attitude of the people at Lystra towards Paul and Barnabus indicate? (Acts 14:11-18,19)
8. Was Paul and Barnabus’ stay at Derbe successful? (Acts 14:20-21)
9. What did they do when they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch? (Acts 14:21-23)
- Was this first journey a success? (Acts 14:26-27)____________________
Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
1. Why did Paul and Barnabus come to Jerusalem? (Acts 15:1,2)
How did the apostles and elders at Jerusalem answer their question? (Acts 15:22-29)
How long had it been since their first missionary journey? (Galatians 1:21-2:1)
2. Why did Paul and Barnabus part company on this second trip? (Acts 15:35-40)
3. Where did Paul and Silas first go? (Acts 15:41, 16:5)
What does this verse teach us?
4. Who did Paul meet in the regions of Derbe, Lystra, and Iconium? (Acts 16:1-2)
Why did Paul circumcise him? (Acts 16:3)
What decrees did Paul teach the churches? (Acts 16:4)
5. How, why and where was Paul forbidden to preach the gospel? (Acts 16:6-7)
6. How was Paul told to go to the region of Macedonia to preach? (Acts 16:8-10)
In Philippi, one of the chief cities of Macedonia (16:12), why were Paul and Silas arrested? (Acts 16:16-24)
Why did Paul cast the spirit out? (Acts 16:18)
What good came from their arrest? (Acts 16:25-34)
7. What seemed to encourage Paul to stop for a while in Thessalonica? (Acts 17:1-2)
Why did he preach what he did? (Acts 17:3)
Did he have much success there? (Acts 17:4)________________________
Why did he leave? (Acts 17:5-10)
8. What characterized the brethren at Berea? (Acts 17:10-12)
Why did Paul leave Berea? (Acts 17:13-14)
9. What stirred Paul about Athens? (17:16)
What did he do about it? (Acts 17:15, 17-18)
- Why did Paul stay in Corinth so long? (Acts 18:9-11)
- Why was his stay short in Ephesus? (Acts 18:21)
- Why do you think Paul went to the church at Jerusalem before going to his home church? (Acts 18:22)
Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
1. Where did this third journey carry Paul first? (Acts 18:23)
How do you suppose he strengthened the disciples?
2. What good came from Aquila and Priscilla being left at Ephesus? (18:18-19, 24-26)
3. Significant events during Paul’s three years (20:31) at Ephesus:
a. (Acts 19:1-7)____________________________________________
b. (19:8-10)______________________________________________
c. (19:11-13)______________________________________________
d. (19:13-17)______________________________________________
e. (19:18-20)______________________________________________
f. (19:23-28, 20:1)__________________________________________
4. Leaving Ephesus Paul went into (20:1) __________________ and then to
(20:2)______________ and then returning to Syria through (20:3)______
5. In Troas what notable miracle took place? (20:6-12)
6. Why did Paul not go to Ephesus on his return trip? (20:13-16)
7. What type message did Paul give the elders from Ephesus? (20:17-18)
Important points in this message:
a. (20:18-19)_________________________________________________
b. (20:20-21)_________________________________________________
c. (20:22-24)_________________________________________________
d. (20:25)___________________________________________________
e. (20:26-27)_________________________________________________
f. (20:28-30)_________________________________________________
g. (20:33-35)_________________________________________________
8. After Coos, Rhodes and Patara, Paul received what warning in Tyre? (21:1-4)
9. After Ptolemais, in Caesarea what significant event happened? (21:10-11)
- How was Paul received by the church at Jerusalem? (21:17-19)
Paul Travels as a Prisoner
1. What request did the church at Jerusalem make of Paul? (Acts 21:20-24)
Did there seem to be a double standard – one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles? (21:25)
2. As Paul was fulfilling the churches request, what happened? (21:27-30)
How was he rescued? (21:31-34)
Why was he granted privileges although he was a prisoner? (22:24-29)
How did God assure him of his future? (23:11)
Why did the Chief Captain send Paul unto Felix? (23:12-14, 30)
- What were the results of Felix hearing the High Priest’s charges and Paul’s defense? (24:22-23, 27)
What caused Felix to tremble? (24:24-25)
- What result came from Festus hearing the Jews’ charges and Paul’s defense? (25:10-12)
Why did Paul appeal to Caesar? (25:1-3, 9)
- How did Paul’s testimony affect Festus? (26:24)
- How did Paul’s testimony affect King Agrippa? (26:28)
- How was Paul to get to Caesar’s court? (27:1)
- Trace their stops and significant events from Caesarea to Rome:
a. (27:3)_____________________________________________________
b. (27:4-6)___________________________________________________
c. (27:8-13)__________________________________________________
d. (27:14-16)_________________________________________________
e. (27:17-26)_________________________________________________
f. (28:1-6)____________________________________________________
g. (28:13-15)__________________________________________________
- What advantage was given Paul because of his influence with the centurion? (28:16, 30-31)